You don't need to press a button to land properly anymore - though you still can if you're fancy - and I feel like the push button may have moved places, but basically, on wheels, this is the same beautiful thing it always was. Anyway, this is the juddering, racing, crunching heart of OlliOlli and it remains, as I said, unchanged here. Harder - for me at least - to internalise. Harder to do in a rush, and you're always in a rush here. Hold the stick and then do a quarter turn - or more than a quarter turn. Can you land it? Can you link it together with other tricks? Can you incorporate a grab? Whatever.īut advanced tricks build on that with a bit of Street Fighter 2.

You hold and then release the stick in order to trick: choose a direction and see what happens. Back in 2014, Roll7 devised a stick-flicking system that seemed to capture skateboarding in the very joints - in the knees and ankles, and in the moment at which the human body becomes a lively species of car jack or shock absorber. The basics have remained unchanged for obvious reasons.
OlliOlli World is the latest and wildest entry in a sublime series of 2D skateboarding games.

Watch on YouTube The OlliOlli World reveal trailer. Back to the tutorial I had sped through hours before and forgotten, back to the heart of the advance tricks system to gain a proper understanding of these beautiful, terrible things. I had to do something that, in a game with the sheer headlong pelt of OlliOlli World, seems like breaking an underlying law. All levels here have optional challenges, but that ghost! I realised I definitely wanted to trick through it, to advance-trick through it even! So I had to do what I so rarely choose to do in games.